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Under 9's Girls Players Needed

Cottenham United Colts are looking for girls currently aged 7 & 8 (Years 2 & 3) who would like to join a new local 7-a-side football, ready for the new season in September.

Trial Session are taking place at Cottenham Village College (CVC) on:

Saturday 17th June @ 11:00 - 12:00pm

Satruday 8th July @ 10:00 - 11:00am

Saturday 15th July @ 10:00 - 11:00am

Any parents or carers who would like to assist with coaching or any admin would be very welcome

To sign up for the trail sessions or for more information/informal chat the please contact

Jon Darby - 07921 625513 - Email:

Steve Gogarty - 07786 440390 - Email:


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